
Preparing For Your First GSR Session. How Does It Work

Have you never participated in a GSR session before? In this article I will explain how the GSR session works.

So let’s talk about the GSR before your very first GSR session.

The symptom in the GSR session

When we have a problem in life, for example, we want to achieve something but can’t, or we have a heavy irrational feeling, or a problem in a relationship, with the kids, there’s just something – something that’s hindering us in life – all of that happens because there’s a certain energy in us that’s shaping the process in our life in that particular way. If we have a certain energy in us, we can’t do anything about it, we can only accept that everything in our life is set up that way and adapt to it.

The GSR is a method that allows us to transform the energy within us.

How does it happen?

We have a problem, it can be a failure, a pain, an obstacle to a goal, a difficulty in a relationship, anything that hinders us in life – and that is our symptom.

For example, a person wants to get a job but is afraid, fear prevents them from taking a step into reality. Fear is a symptom, a problem, a feeling that prevents a person from living the way they want to live.

The GSR (and the GSR session) works specifically with feelings.

The symptom itself is a conglomeration of different distorted energies: feelings that came to us from the family (family system) and that affect our lives.

The symptom is the reason why something is happening in our life that we don’t like very much and that we would like to change.

So in this example, with the GSR session, we will work with the feeling of fear, this will be a symptom.

The symptom is bigger than us, it’s a conglomerate of energies, that’s why we can’t get past it, around it, and it has a total effect on us, so in the session we untangle energy by energy from this conglomerate of different energies.

The GSR session

During the session, we deduce tendencies (inner scenarios). Each pattern is a separate energy that forms a particular role, which we then play.

A pattern is composed of the Figure of the Symptom (FS), the Figure of the Client (the Figure of I, FI), the Source, the energy itself.

FS and FI are both the roles we play, that is, they are not external figures, but our perception of external figures, the way we see reality, the way we perceive the world around us.

The Source is the reason why we play these roles, i.e. why we have the roles of FS and FI in us. The Source is the place and figure where the natural flow of energy was disrupted and why the role between FS and FI was formed.

During the session, we bring out all the tendencies, the strategies that form this symptom.

Working with a symptom

When we work with a symptom, like in this example, a feeling of fear, the client will be able to see the situation differently. The fear will no longer affect his life and he will be able to achieve what he would like to achieve, for example, going for a job interview. And maybe, in general, once his fear is gone, he will be able to apply for another opportunity, or choose an even better company for an interview, because he will be more confident of himself.

That is, no one knows exactly how the outcome of the session will unfold, but the client will definitely stop hovering in their internal processes and will be able to see more of the reality. This means that he will be able to act more appropriately according to the reality in front of him.

Once the symptom has been treated, the feelings are released and the person no longer needs to replay the scenarios. He or she can look at the situation in a more balanced, appropriate way, without a distorted attitude towards the situation, and thus can interact more appropriately with the situation in the future.

Where to look at the result of the GSR session?

It is important to understand that a GSR session only works with the client’s own inner world. When we say in a session that a figure has come out, it does not mean that we are working with certain family figures, but that we are working with our perception of these figures – our grandparents, etc. So the session doesn’t change anything about our mothers, fathers, grandparents, it just changes our perception of the current reality.

When our perception changes, our behavior changes, and the people around us may then begin to behave differently when they interact with us, because their usual behavioral mechanisms no longer work for us.

How does the GSR specialist work?

As GSR specialists, we have a special adjustment, the zero state, to work in another person’s system. That is, while working, we do not bring anything into another client’s system, neither our energies nor our understanding. Our task as a specialist is purely to read the client’s energy, to find the root (source), the essence of the demand, and then to derive all the tendencies of the symptom cleanly. We work like a scanner. Everything that happens in the field of the session is the energy of the client.

How does the specialist find a symptom?

During the GSR session, at the very beginning, we will listen to the client, feel his energies and ask questions according to these energies.

So we will look for the biggest point of failure in the client’s system, and once we find it, we will synchronize it with the client, and this will be the symptom we work with.

The end of the session

After the GSR session, the client’s problem will be reduced to zero when there are no more trends in the symptom.

The client does not have to assimilate, meditate or adapt. The changes take place in the client’s system during and immediately after the session, and then the client can simply watch the new flow unfold in reality and take further action.

They can also write to us as a specialist if they have any questions, have trouble seeing the results, want to know more about the GSR System, etc.

After the GSR session, the client will receive an audio recording to listen to if he wishes which can help him see exactly how it was before the GSR session and how it is now. Sometimes the GSR specialist can send a short summary of the session with recommendations on where to look at the results and what other sessions may be useful and optimal for the client.

Olga de Benoist

Writer, GSR-Specialist & Expert, Business Consultant & Project Manager

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