No Way Out? What If I Find It?

This is a dead end. I realized it once when I was 38. I found myself looking like a wilting flower.

I will never be younger and more energetic than I am now. I feel exhausted, my desires do not inspire or seem inaccessible.

Despite all the success in my social life (profitable business, beloved husband, house and freedom of travel) inside me there was emptiness and “living out” without any enthusiasm. It scared me. I never had any children by the time I was 40. For whom and for what to live on – the question remained unanswered.

For many years, various methods of self-development, meditations, women’s retreats and specialists of various types gave me hope and an opportunity to distract myself, expanded my horizons and variety of acquaintances. But something essential remained behind the scenes.

4 years ago, I was already skeptical when I came to a GSR session with a specialist. I didn’t really understand how it worked. However, my worldview and feelings have changed significantly.

The only thing I realized that day was that GSR is generally something completely different and new. I’m going there. This is where I’ll find what I’m looking for.

The only and main difficulty was that my deep problem is unsolvable. After all, it is obvious that none of the methods has made drastic changes, and my life continued to fade and go nowhere.

And so I have been practicing 1 GSR Module every day for 4 years.

Did I have children? Not yet. At the same time, I realized that this would not solve my problems, but rather would aggravate them, because I was not ready for children at all.

I started reconstructing myself bit by bit.

Every time I have an unsolvable problem in front of me now, I know that this is a question that can be solved with the help of 1 GSR Module, because this problem exists only in my head due to limitations and distortions of perception of reality.

I use 1 Module GSR and begin to see solutions, find a way out, or I can change my point of view on the situation, and it “lets go”. It still surprises me so much every time, breaks all the usual patterns, releases a huge force inside and energy for life here and now.

Once, with a temperature of 38, I was lying with a mug of hot tea at a ski resort. My husband and friends were having fun and actively spending time. I realized that at least a week can be erased from life, which usually happened 1-2 times a year due to illness, I decided to try to apply 1 GSR Module. By the evening, the temperature and well-being completely returned to normal, to my great surprise. I spent the whole next week actively and fully instead of the dreary serving under the blanket. I haven’t been sick since, by the way.

So I added a few years of active healthy life, allocating only about an hour to solve the problem?

After that I quickly said goodbye to seasickness, fatigue from a long journey, chronic psychosomatics that has accompanied me since childhood. I dealt with the fear of public speaking, adjusted the balance between business and family, returned warm relationships and intimacy with my husband even more than on our first dates 15 years ago.

Every time when something is important to me and I want it very much, but I don’t have enough money for it, I apply 1 Module GSR instead of the usual painful failure. Reality seems to open up with possibilities right away. I earn the necessary amount and afford what I wanted. This is usually not the final result, but just the beginning of income growth and fullness of life with various bright moments.

I realized I have a tool in my hands that turns any dead end into the discovery of a new opportunities, first of all in myself. I gradually rebuilt all areas of my reality and became someone who lives a full life.

I do this “ordinary miracle” with my own hands every day now for myself and my clients. I have mastered the profession of the future, which opens up even more facets and colors of life, gaining relevance and value. My income has increased 5 times. Instead of stress and burnout, my business brings satisfaction and inner uplift. Family relations have become as close and warm as never before. The dream of living among people who are interesting and passionate about life has become my reality. The live community of GSR practitioners is increasing daily.

Waking up in my spacious apartment in Thailand, I feel happier and more resourceful every day. I have not yet cooked breakfast for my husband with such pleasure, and did not even fill my daily chores. Instead of emptiness and living out, I have a future far beyond what I could even imagine.

I have me and my interesting bright life! I no longer need to try to be strong or turn a blind eye to problems that I can’t cope with. Now I can be myself and enjoy every day whatever happens around.

This is absolutely new way of life, where any problem is solved, any goal is achievable. Because everything is possible with 1 Module!

Olga Feller (Starostina)

Olga Feller (Starostina) is an entrepreneur, author of the Small Business Growth Accelerator project. She is one of the top 20 specialists of the GSR Academy. Olga works with Russian-speaking and English-speaking clients.

Olga offers her services as a GSR specialist (sessions and diagnostics) and a GSR expert Standart/ Pro (long-term coaching, support and maintenance).

To choose the most suitable way to solve your problems and achieve any goals you may arrange free of charge 20-minute consultation with Olga on-line.

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