I will tell you about a girl who always felt poor. She had pain, the size of the universe, inside and it sounded like “Mom”…
Once, after another session with a psychologist, I came with one unique goal – to lie down and die. I could no longer fight for myself, for my right to live, to understand my endless problems. They seemed endless to me. I felt that I had a small teaspoon in my hands, and the problems were the mountains of Altai.
As usual, I poured out my pain on social media and a person I knew wrote: «I can do a GSR session for you». I raised my eyebrows skeptically, but I just didn’t want to live anymore…
And I tried.. An hour later, I felt that I was no longer in that state anymore. I was alive.
Without hesitation for a long time, I passed 1 GSR module! From that moment on, life has completely and irrevocably changed.
- I got out of the 24/7 work schedule for pennies into launches, where I was able to realize most of my potential and have already started a huge flagship course for vocal teachers
- I have tripled my income
- I have already made million launches twice, the second one 1.5 times more than the first
- I started working as a singer with a famous musician in show business
- I had 2 solo gigs (before GSR there was one in 12 years)
- I gathered my launch team and hired co-workers
- I started working with people as GSR specialist, I got a profession that changes lives for the better
- I visited three countries in 3 months (previously I had a trip once a year and saved money for this trip, I couldn’t fly anywhere at all, especially to another country)
- I built relationships after 5 years of solitude
- I improved living conditions and much more…
We tend to look at obvious results in real life. Still the most important things happen inside.
After a year of work with GSR module 1, I finally feel the right to exist, to love myself.
From “You are nobody and a no name” I turned into a person for whom “everything is possible, I have the right to do it.”
Now I know that even if I feel like everything is dying inside and nothing can be fixed – I can work with it and after 1 hour everything will change.
I no longer waste many years on suffering and do not create missed opportunities.
I was once asked: “What makes you use this tool”?
And I answered: “I’d rather look into the eyes of what I feel and work with it than cry at the age of 70 (if I live until then) feeling that I didn’t live my life”.
I realized that the key to everything is inside. Now I’m 37 and I’m just learning to live my life! And I definitely love it! Now I don’t wake up with the thought that nothing will change anyway.
I asked myself an honest question: “What would have happened if I had not gone to that session and learned how to use GSR module”?
There is only one answer: I would never be happy, I would continue to torture myself, and in the end it would all end in total loneliness and the feeling that I was trash, and then I would have to lose myself into drinking.
Every day I get closer to myself and begin to understand my true desires, to see why everything was exactly the way it was.
Now I have a chance to create my own path in which I am healthy, happy and my eyes shine from the fullness of each day.
I’m already there.
And you can too, I checked it myself.