Offended By A Man: How To Work It Out With GSR

Many women come to GSR sessions with stories of pain and resentment at men. They talk about their jealousy, their unappreciation, their lack of love… And it seems to each of them that “I feel this way because he is”… then we put in the actual things: “he looks away, he is more interested in his gadget or television than in me, he doesn’t hear me or understand me, he hurts me or ignores me…”

The woman thinks that what she is feeling is caused by her partner’s behavior. If his behavior changes, the woman’s feelings will change. But everything in our psyche is arranged differently: we feel what is already laid inside us (it came from ancestors and generic scenarios), then we choose a partner who is ideal for the paired role to play the trends, then we project our inner states onto him… And the whole world is a theater, and we all are actors in it… Everything rolls where our foremothers did.

Can this be modified? And how?

The first important point (without accepting it, the change is impossible), is that  “I should look into myself and my feelings and states. After all, the root of the situation is always in myself. The pain is mine, the feeling that it hurts is mine and the jealousy is mine”.

It’s hard to believe, but for the same behavior of your man you can react very differently. And your reaction depends on your feelings, and your feelings (again) depend on what was going on in your ancestors’ lives. It certainly has nothing to do directly with your partner, mind you. You are jealous not because of him, but because the feeling came to you by birth and you have to work it out… It won’t go away on its own unless you work it out within yourself with the GSR.

But if you expose it to yourself as a symptom and unpack it, it will change your view of the situation, your perception of your partner and his behavior, change your attitude toward yourself, toward him, etc.

Women have an incredible amount of heavy birth scenarios, broken women’s destinies, violence, deceit, disappointment and hopelessness “written down” in us. Yes, that’s how our great-grandmothers were… But that doesn’t mean it has to be the same for us… We can take this archaic weight off of ourselves, change ourselves and change our relationships and our lives!

The First Module of GSR is a tool to create feminine happiness. In fact, you can use it to create any area of your life, well, since we’re talking about our own, feminine things here. Do you want love, warmth, mutual understanding in your family? Happy smiles, hugs, laughing babies? Do a GSR-session. Use the First Module of GSR. Do it every day. Look into yourself, listen to your states, expose, unpack and change them. There is simply no other way.

Take care of yourself and invest in yourself. Each unpacked tendencies in a GSR session is your investment in yourself and your future, which can’t be replaced by anything. Build your happiness – by yourself, with the First Module of GSR.

©Translated for GSR World by Ruzilya Nureeva

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