How I Stopped Searching And Found… Myself And My Life

The eternal call and perpetual search for some truth about the universe and about oneself. 

It accompanied me throughout my life. By the age of 25, I had gone through all the practices and trainings that were available. At that time, psychology and self-development had just begun to fill our country – 

psychoanalysis, gestalt, holotropic breathwork, firewalking, body therapy, tantra, Slavic and Taoist practices. 

I became a professional psychologist and a popular women’s coach.

What was I looking for? I think I was searching for myself, seeking inner support, because from my childhood, I felt somehow different. Open and supportive with others, I was lost and empty within myself. I had complex relationships with my parents – a distant mother and an aloof father. I didn’t feel loved by them; 

internally, I was very sensitive and vulnerable. And deep down, it was as if I wanted to fix and heal something within myself…

At 26, I met the man I loved and became pregnant. It was the happiest time of my life. 

But as my son grew older, it became increasingly difficult for me – with him, with my husband, and with myself.  Gradually, I seemed to wake up from a dream, and by the time my son turned three, I realized that there was nothing within me to create a truly happy family – no love for the child, no ability to be with a man, no basic self-acceptance. I saw my mother in myself, repeating family patterns that I thought I had worked through with psychologists. I started sinking into heavy emotions, my own emptiness; I had little strength, escaping from the family into work, searching for long-awaited fulfillment and joy there. The most challenging part for me was admitting that none of the existing practices helped me restore a resourceful state and find the keys to family happiness. I didn’t want to seek help from any of the professionals I knew.

I began to explore deeper approaches that spoke of the fact that the foundation of our experiences lies much deeper than our biographical experiences, that emotions come to us from the family system. This resonated deeply with me. It seemed that this was the direction to find a solution. Soon, I attended my first GSR session with Dmitry Ustinov, who had developed his own method of working with family scripts. After the very first session, I experienced tremendous relief. For the first time, I felt such a profound inner change; it was a very precise and effective approach that amazed me with its impact. I walked down the street and felt that life had been restored within me, I had more strength, desire to live, and faith in myself. This effect didn’t fade; it continued the next day, and after a week, and after a month. This was different from everything I had gone through before. Finally, I could look at my husband and child with warmth…

Soon, I learned to conduct GSR sessions on myself, and my life truly started to flourish. This has been going on for over 7 years now.

  • I stopped searching because I found a tool that provided and continues to provide answers to all questions about myself and my life. And this is not theory; it’s practical, resulting in real changes in my life.
  •  I gained self-reliance and stopped wasting time studying and following interesting concepts. Now I am my own concept, ever-changing each time. I can constantly reconstruct my worldview without being confined to any boundaries and continue evolving my consciousness.
  • I managed to preserve my family. My attempts to ruin my relationship with my husband, which began almost immediately after getting married, are in the past. We have a strong bond; we’ve gone through several crises and still choose to be together, to grow and develop. We’ve grown financially and have been living abroad for over 5 years.
  • My son, who was unbearable to me as a three-year-old, recently turned 13. I managed to open my heart to him. He has become an incredible young man, and it’s fascinating to live with him. He also has two twin brothers who are currently 7. It’s unlikely I could have conceived, carried, and naturally birthed twins without GSR.
  •  I found myself in my profession and feel absolutely happy in it. I work with people using the most effective tool – the GSR methodology – giving them the desired and sustainable changes in their lives.
  • After a few years of practicing the first module, I felt that a very deep pain within me had healed and improved. It was this pain that had driven me to search and explore myself from an early age. This pain has been passed down through generations in our family – the pain of lacking love and support to live, grow, and unfold. Now, that has changed. I look forward with joy and feel how I am creating my life step by step, passing this on to my children.

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