2015. Life before the GSR
The quality of life is poverty. Social pedagogue, manager, and many more by profession and job. And the internal rank of “technician”. Salary in a municipal institution is 20 thousand rubles. The eternal internal problem of “no money”. There is no way to cover the basic needs. Rented housing for the whole family. Two children, no husband or parents to help. I was all in fears and already reached the understanding that I cannot change anything in life and nothing good awaits me.
2016. The GSR comes into my life
The quality of life is poverty. All the same work and salary. Lectures, sessions, the First Module of GSR and trainings. I was investing all my resources (money, effort and time) in my development – that was my choice, because there was no other way out. The first results: inside me there is a belief that the First Module of GSR will help me. Outside, small changes begin to appear, which I notice and appreciate. I got a second job, slightly increased my income. But I still do not have enough resources to cover basic needs, “no money”.
2017. New speciality. The GSR specialist
I had three jobs. The third job was as a GSR specialist. I wrote posts on VK (social media), told people about the First Module of GSR. I went to people’s homes to do face-to-face sessions, then rented a room by the hour. Earnings from the sessions are small, but for me that is the result. Plus I had two jobs that I did at night. I continued to work with myself with the First Module.
2017-2018. The First Year of Living in Thailand
The was the first connection to the sources of Egypt and Dubai, these are my first trips abroad. I got fired from two jobs and completely transitioned to work as a GSR specialist. I spent my first 9 months in Thailand. I started working online. I received a great support from Catherine Dang and Yulia Cogun, from the GSR system. I was going through the GSR modules in Bali. There was a lot of work with clients. I had the first training M-Rank and made the first rank transition to 200.000 rubles per month. There is still a state of “no money” inside.
2018-2019. My second year of living in Thailand
My constant work with clients and new GSR modules and trainings. I was connected to the Ecosystem, the source of Thailand. My growth and output was up to 500000 rubles per month. My growth was next to Catherine Dang and Yulia Cogun.
I managed to close the safety issue to myself and children. I allowed to myself an expensive dental care which would have been impossible for me without the GSR. I gave my children the chance to enjoy life and its opportunities, invested in my son’s development, so he started earning money. I sot up an individual business.
2019-2020. The Academy of the GSR
In Novosibirsk, I enjoyed my resource “life in chocolate”, which I never dared to dream of and which turned out to be a compensation for me. From which I got out and moved on… to the GSR Academy and my third year in Thailand.
There was a lot of work with myself and with clients. I traveled – again to the sources of Egypt, Dubai, Turkey, Thailand. I solved the self-security problems. I passed the second training M-Rank. My income was up to 800000 rubles per month. I organized the first trip for my relatives (my mother and my daughter) in Thailand. My Pure Resource “Everything is possible” was exposed, which was at first I devalued and only through work with the symptom I could accept it and start to move on it.
2020-2021. The Fall and the Beginning of the Making of My Life
Moscow – Novosibirsk. My Rank declined due to my “I want it that way” ambition and resistance to the systemic flow. A lot of work with myself with symptoms of the First Chakra. We worked with Yulia Kogun of the first symptom of 1 chakra and modification of its flows. My choice was to go to Olga Lobareva, my expert, which helped me to stay in the systemic flow.
My income was 350000 rubles per month. I passed the GSR Expert Module, an impossible achievement for me, which built me even more into the flow of the GSR system. The third source of Egypt, which was not easy. After it, the resource turned into a more active growth of a GSR specialist (income of 500000 rubles per month) and the creation of Man/Woman relationships, which was not expected in my life.
2021-2022. Rank growth, “Everything is possible”
My fourth year in Thailand. I was returning to the point of fall and a missed opportunity, to mend and go through again what a year ago did not pass – to create my rank growth. But, already 100 times more difficult and already a completely different path. A lot of work with myself. Leaving all expectations for support. My expert words were: all by yourself.
I was applying all the tools for my growth that I own: M-Rank training, diagnostics, GSR sessions in all the fields. I did even more new actions in reality and was tracking more results than ever before. A year of working with clients in the structural field has given me the opportunity to improve my stability and reliance on myself.
My continued growth into a GSR specialist working with symptoms to “system zero” opens me up to moving deeper and into system zero.
I had lots of client work. My income was of 1 million rubles per month and it was a continued growth. I reached a figure of 1400000 per month. I was getting beyond the frustration.
Then it happened the flows modifications by Darina Askarova. The state of zero is being eliminated, which affects the internal and external stability and results. I completely got into the system flow of the expert Olga Lobareva, despite the significant increase in price after the Expert Module of GSR.
I went to the GSR Academy for the second time and took the GSR modules. I was growing into an M-Rank Expert and creating The GSR and Money project. Connecting to the Buddha’s source and ecosystem in Phuket, Thailand. I achieved a full self-support – housing, car, all required payments and visas. Everything handled all by myself. I closed the security needs for my daughter (her housing and education) and financially contributed to my children’s health.
I created my own financial safety cushion and opened accounts for my children (I have 5 of them – two of mine, my nephew and two of the man’s children). I created my responsibility for the accompanied clients, taking them out of financial failures and leading them into growth in income (the main thing is their desire and actions). I came to the end of the system debt repayment: for the year I reimbursed the 3.5 million rubles. The goal is the transition to the 3rd level of experts and further growth, the disclosure of internal resources. It was the repayment of the debt that led me to take responsibility for my life, for the lives of my children and accompanying people.
And as always, this is just the beginning…
The possibilities are opening up by myself. I have no other option, no other way. Only by moving in the GSR system I have Life.
With gratitude to the GSR, to all who invested in me, and to my expert Olga Lobareva.
The way to the impossible (what in life was not given to be) is to go through difficult states and a lot of work with yourself, a lot of work with people and always out of the comfort zone through new actions.
Keys of growth:
- look at your reality and see the starting point – if something does not exist, then it does not exist and will never exist, and leave your fantasies about easy life and start working hard;
- look into your imperfection and go after the one who is farther away;
- investing all resources (time, money ans effort) in yourself;
- the audacity and choice to change your life, to leave the familiar and comfortable.
The real work with yourself is to create the impossible in every session and in every new action.
P.S. Analysis showed me that perhaps my flow is to work (this is what I always do), and money is an external result of the realization of this flow. It remains to continue to fix the flow from violations and to grow.
©Translated for GSR World by Ruzilya Nureeva