
The GSR Client’s Case Study: “Money As Your Inner Resource”

The first case will be about the person that I accompanied as an expert. The person’s name is Shchukina Anastasia, who immediately responded to my offer to work on the case of making money more resourcefully. And, in this case, I can show you our work in a fairly comprehensive way, because I have been following her for a long time.

I can say right away that the resource on which she is growing her income is quite deep, and the important thing here is that she is in the PRO flow of the expert support.

17.10.22 The Symptom (failure): «doubting myself, not realizing the value of my resource» (a session in the generation field).

Her feedback: «As a result of this session, I connected to my resource, accepting it as my natural way of being».

Here are the results after this session from Nastya’s report about money and more:

  • I hitted my financial ceiling from October to December 2021.
  • I tested successfully different options and formats of Leading clients to their result.
  • In monetary terms, the revenue for consulting in the format of Leading Clients in October was more than the revenue for the format of consulting without feedback. I’ve been growing into this for a long time.
  • October flew by in spite of several setbacks for my health and family, and plenty of work.
  • On the new keys in the process of changing the conditions of his further work as a zoo specialist, I prescribed new conditions and formats.
  • I recruited excellent mentors for the zoo team, now it is a team of nine people, I delegated some of the operational tasks.
  • Tentative agreements obtained in project activities with rank processes. It is a new format for me and more income in the future.
  • We launched with the team a test intensive for pet owners, a new format that went on stream, received great feedback, next we grow this format in money and topics on a permanent basis. Several clients came to me through the intensive for the Leading format consulting.
  • I started to present my research of the human-animal contact point in more depth, the results are interesting and the response is adequate. Here my new specialization as a GSR specialist is strongly on time.

I would like to add: in addition to the fact that there was an actual increase in income, Nastya has made great progress in the direction of her resource format of managing clients as a zoo expert, which she could not do before, although this direction in income growth was outlined at least in March of this year.

Another important note: after this session, we made two off-plan sessions (10/23/222 and 11/7/22) on psychosomatic conditions, which were exacerbated by the increase in resourcefulness. That is, because the body was not ready to accept such a flow, the movement in money was slowed down.

This is the specifics of deeper flows, and here it is necessary to look at the possibility of connecting additional tools of the GSR system, such as the Healing of the 1st Chakra project (my accompanying person has not yet entered into this project).

11.11.22 Symptom (failure): « doubting myself, I am not aware of the value of my resource » ( the Humanity Destinies field (HD) 1).

13.11.22 Symptom (failure): I doubt myself, I don’t realize the value of my resource (the Humanity Destinies field (HD) 2).

I’m also quoting the results after this sessions from Nastya’s report:

  • Yesterday I summed up the results of November and it is an increase in reality in rank, finances and new depth. My first thought was, “Is it possible to do that?”.
  • The month was not the easiest in terms of health, multitasking, but it did not prevent me to increase the result of October by 20% in finance and presenting myself as an expert. Now the task is to steadily maintain the result and grow further.
  • I passed the First module with the author of the GSR system, Dmitry Ustinov. There are a lot of insights, I will be revising. It is valuable that passed in September the 2nd module of the GSR system has allowed me to see the tricks in the First Module for me as a specialist.
  • I closed some of the commitments, including family.
  • In the zoo direction:
  • The flow of clients in the format of leading has increased, and the simple consultations have decreased by 2 times, it is very cool, this was the goal. I invited an integrative veterinarian to the team, the plan is to exchange experiences and delegate consultations from January.
  • What did Elena’s three sessions on failing to understand the value of my resource bring me? More self-confidence, in my resource, more attention to myself and my family.
  • Since January I will change the terms of my consultations, expanding the formats and changing the pricing policy. The value of the resource is obvious.
  • I do new actions and steps simply, I don’t think, I don’t dumb down. Something didn’t work, okay, the hypothesis didn’t work, I test others. This is some new flavor of steps on the way, carrots do not loom ahead, they are not needed.

What I can add from myself here: after these sessions, Nastya shifted to another of her resource areas about recording webinars, although before the work in the field of the Humanity Destinies this resource was more used in conducting intensives with other experts.

Diagnosis made the other day showed that the point of “their webinars” by far the most resource and most quickly leads to the “stability, security, peace of mind” goal

Just today she wrote me the following:

  • My vision for my webinar finally matured today.
  • I am rewriting the structure.

Another interesting thing: after the HD sessions Nastya made the first session for her husband, and he got his money for the work, although before that, and I quote, “they, by the way, had been badly brainwashed all month, the money should have fallen much earlier. 


The case result: working through the symptom/problem on the money resource flow resulted in a real increase in the client’s income, and also shifted the entire dynamics of the client’s movement toward more resources and easy processes in her business, which, among other things, became easier to implement.

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