The Source Of The Evolution Of Consciousness In Egypt

Egypt has always stirred the minds and hearts of people. The pyramids, the Egyptian Gods, their ancient culture and writing. The ancient Egyptian civilization is the oldest known. The cradle of humanity. The origin of the human race. Why exactly this? Why Egypt and not China, for example?

The answer to this question lies in the Source of the Evolution of human consciousness. It is in Egypt that the human mind is made of. It was the presence of the mind that made man a special and unique creature on the planet. And that is why ancient Egypt resonates so strongly in the hearts of all of us. In fact, it is the place where man as a kind was born. Born by the Source of the Evolution of Consciousness.

The Source is the basic primal energy from which our mind was created and on which it evolves. But if the Source as such directs the development of humanity as a whole, and this process unfolds at a certain pace, then if you tap into it, a person has a personal setting to the Source’s super-resource. This adds potential that has never existed in a person and triggers individual evolutionary processes in the system. And they in turn allow the one who is connected to grow and develop at a particularly rapid pace, because now the Source will be specifically built into his system – to the importance, tasks and points of growth of the person.

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