How To Find Woman’s Happiness?

I have always dreamed of becoming a mother. Literally from an early age, I imagined that this would be my maximum happiness / success / self-realization. And I was even sure that being a mother is simple, natural; that it is as

A Dead Man Who Fall In Love With Life…

I don’t believe in anything anymore… Because miracles definitely don’t happen… No one will convince me of this… but I…. I wake up every morning and I don’t know why… I ask… God, probably him… “When I’ll be already dead…” A rented

Possibilities For A Clueless Person

The other day I saw an ad which said something like this: if you are a life coach, set high prices for your services. It will weed out people who are unable of making good money — which shows their ineffectiveness in

No Way Out? What If I Find It?

This is a dead end. I realized it once when I was 38. I found myself looking like a wilting flower. I will never be younger and more energetic than I am now. I feel exhausted, my desires do not inspire or

Wanna Step Out Of Your Paradigm?

Paradigm of your nature, paradigm of your worldview, paradigm of your experience. Do you want to go beyond the limits of your ego? Sounds creepy, unreal and cliche? Huh! Yeah, I feel you. New acquaintances and new clients often ask me: what

Never Say ‘’Never’’

For some, my story will seem trivial, for some, fantastic, and some may not understand. But I wanted to give space to what my life is. I will not go into too much detail and I will start my story from the

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