Wanna Step Out Of Your Paradigm?

Paradigm of your nature, paradigm of your worldview, paradigm of your experience. Do you want to go beyond the limits of your ego? Sounds creepy, unreal and cliche? Huh! Yeah, I feel you.

New acquaintances and new clients often ask me: what has changed since you got into GSR?

Each time the question puzzles me a little bit because … everything has changed. Absolutely everything. I’m completely different.

And those words don’t sound strong enough and cause a logical response:

– Oh yes, indeed… Okay.

I say:

-No, it was really different. I was miserable, I was totally fucked up at work. I couldn’t have a normal relationship with my son. I was getting involved in unhealthy things. I wasn’t taking care of my health. And so on and so forth.

People look at me and say:

-Yeah, I got it. Okay.

The problem is that this huge range of changes can’t be communicated during a small talk limited by time and the level of engagement. So I will try to put it all in one post and just send everyone the link.

Let’s start with the entry point.

Entry point

There was a nearly failed construction site I could not pull as I overestimated my resources. I was facing a trial for 445 623$. I suffered from frustration, stress, and anxiety day after day. I was fighting with all contractors and customers which caused me even more disturbance. I couldn’t concentrate. The financial situation was 105 567$ in debt. In addition to my main role as a manager I also performed as a site worker and handyman: disassembled structures, checked bolts, transported metal, fuelled the scissor lift, etc. I got stuck in a rut. I felt like I was drinking from a fire hose. My relationship was getting worse, communication with my ex-wife was terrible. I didn’t give my child support, and owed my ex-wife money. I got wicked hammered regularly. My health was going down the drain. This situation was extremely detrimental to my other business, as I was pulling money out of it to solve problems in my first business. All in all, a-a-a-a-a.

Turning point

My son was rollerblading in the gym, and I was walking around the building, eating a hot dog, bought with my last money, and thinking about my life which at that point  seemed like a fate worse than death.

And then, I just decided, made a decision, that I was going to get out of this shit. I remember that moment very well. It’s been 2.5 years since then. 2.5 years in the GSR system I’ve been practicing 1 GSR module.

I’ve done over 500 GSR sessions. And, like I said, things have changed dramatically.


Relationship with my kid. It’s changed enormously. It’s gone to another level. We understand each other now. Before: all interaction was based on bargaining, blackmail, control, pressure, manipulation. It was very difficult. I used to call my son “boy-who-always-says-no” because every conversation started with a denial.

Now: it’s a completely different dynamic now, absolutely. I often find myself thinking that Andrei is more adequate than I am now. I’ve started to get into things that Andrei likes, I am involved in things he is growing into and it became important to me to see the directions he wants to develop himself into. We spend our time with no pressure. I let him do what he likes, I try to participate in it too. I try to give out some variation so that he has a choice. Asked my son if he thinks our relationship has changed. Response: “Relationship? We have a good relationship. And it’s been good before”.

Relationship with my mum. Before: we argued and fought almost every call, almost every day. Many times, until it brings her to tears. And I hung up the phone. After those awful conversations my mother could not sleep, and I tried to recover for the next few hours or drink a few shots of vodka when I got home. Now: we haven’t had a single fight since the first self-session. That happened 2.5 years ago. There are times when my mum gets mad at me about something. Sometimes we do not agree on something, maybe my mum is offended at me for something. I react calmly and easily control the situation. There has never been any scolding, hanging up the phone or tears. At least, I don’t remember such a thing. I decided to ask my mum how she feels about it. Mum’s not much of a wordsmith… but still.

-Mommy, did you and I fight less after I started GSR or it’s about the same? Or maybe more? What do you think?

-I think less. Much less. You’ve become calmer.”

Relationship with my father. Before: lack of understanding. We fought a lot. We work together, so there were plenty of reasons. Now: the first noticeable change occurred when I was working through the current feeling right after the fight or even during it. Now we don’t fight much. I try to put out the fire, even before it ignites. We didn’t get some incredible mutual understanding, but it seems like we have accepted each other as we are and stopped fighting.

Relationship with my wife. At that time she was my girlfriend. Long story short. We both agreed that if there was no GSR, we would have broken up just 2 years ago. GSR saved our relationship. Now we are married.

Asked my wife what she thinks regarding my changes:

“You became more stress-resistant and more self-reliant. More stable. Stopped rocking the boat, still provoking people but now you see the boundaries more clearly. When you have to stop and you do it before the critical point. You became more relaxed and began to enjoy life.”

Relations with Customers. A mountain of work has been done concerning the way I manage and rule the company. Before: I was like a real pain in the neck with all those fights with my customers. Fortunately, I realized  that I shouldn’t do that, but the ancestral system took its toll. I used to be in some background conflict with almost everyone all the time. Violently rushed to defend my position and my truth, regardless of the fact that no one had attempted to attack it. Now: I dug deep into this particular area quite actively in terms of working out current feelings with the 1st module of GSR during or immediately after communication with customers. Gradually, my exuberance began to diminish. I started to concentrate more on the point of being useful to customers.

Internal changes

I stopped drinking alcohol and smoking hookah. Before: there was a period when alcohol was a problem. Actually, it was around this period when I got into GSR. I was drinking 5 or 6 days a week. Not much, but every day. I could run to the bottle from the doorstep to “fix” my tired, angry and irritated mood. I often smoked hookah at lunchtime. Moreover, I felt disgusting afterwards, a strong headache, but I liked the process itself, so I smoked. Now: I worked through a lot of current unpleasant feelings that hung on me during the day. Apparently this helped remove the need to escape into alcohol or any other addiction. I drink sometimes now, on special occasions. But it is a completely manageable process.

In general, I’ve become:

  • more balanced, more smooth. This is the first thing that people started to notice, usually with the words: “Evgeny, are you sure you’re OK?”,
  • more reasonable. Relevance is the golden thread of the GSR system. To understand that you are deficient in some point is possible only by adequatising an event or a person (special GSR-session), that’s how you open new aspects of different situations and start to think wider. Only when I reached a certain depth, I saw how much unknown crap I was doing literally every day, considering it normal, proper behavior.
  • more confident, more supportive, even in difficult and unpleasant situations. Complex situations do not bother me at all. Example. When the company was sued and the claim amounted to 41 067$, it practically did not affect me, although the amount of money is large, and in general the whole process is unpleasant and associated with significant financial expenditure. What did I do? Just accepted the new reality and began to systematically solve the issue.
  • deeper. It’s as if I dived under the layer of current feelings that have accompanied me for many years, and there is some other world out there. And it’s so intriguing and thrilling!
  • more open-minded. In the GSR system, somehow you have to show your inward feelings to your mentor, specialists and those who haven’t seen or engaged with the system. This is now happening very easily and simply. It turns out that being open is quite painless and not resource-consuming.
  • calmer. Even if I fight with someone, there is no prolongation of this situation. If I had a fight with someone, I would live through the rest of the day with that feeling. Now I switch and forget about those things very quickly.
  • more careful. I stopped getting into stupid situations in which I lost time, money, energy, resources, and virginity.
  • more resourceful. I used to have some invisible limit on the number of decisions I could make in a day or the number of things I could do. Now I can work all day long in a good, cheerful, resourceful mood.

And another thing:

  • In the evening, I got tired as soon as I stepped foot in the house. It was the same day after day, for years. Now I am getting resourced as soon as I walk in. I get more energy, not less.
  • I started to play badminton, even though I used to think it was super stupid to get into any new sport at the age of 35+.
  • I started to like my voice, even though it used to be really annoying. And I can watch videos of myself now, whereas before it was a struggle.
  • My concentration has improved drastically.
  • I was convinced that I had to be at the office all the time to keep everything in order. At some point, I realized that I can work at home, in the car, on holiday, in the bathroom, anywhere. And then I left the country for six months and, amazingly, nothing fell apart, but continued to operate perfectly well.

My colleague’s response to a question about my changes in the last couple of years:

Yes, you’ve changed. But I will not list the exact things that have changed. I think your family feels and observes the difference more plainly than your colleagues. As far as I understand, the GSR system affects more personal relationships. I draw this conclusion based on your own examples and feedback. And when the atmosphere in the team is smooth and friendly  it is not that noticeable. At least, you periodically write funny sarcastic emails to our customers. Although you wrote that you became less irritated by stupidity”.

External changes

  1. I saved the relationship and got married.
  2. I resolved my financial issues and gained some profit and multiplied my income.
  3. I lived abroad for 6 months, although before that seemed unattainable to me.
  4. I’m in the best physical shape of my 37-year-old life. And I can’t say that I strived for it purposefully. It just sort of happened.
  5. I became a specialist and expert in the GSR system. Conducted more than 100 client GSR-sessions.
  6. I visited 10 countries.
  7. I passed several crisis periods in the business and maintained and strengthened it.
  8. I’ve became more focused on health and safety.
  9. I learned to relax and enjoy holidays, this item may sound weird but for me it is a great achievement.
  10. I got an impressive property.

Anything is possible with the GSR system. Indeed, anything. Any problem is solvable, any goal is achievable.

The question is: Are you ready to change?

As an illustration, look at the photo before GSR and after 2.5 years of using 1 GSR Module. The effect is obvious, I think.

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