
Analysis Of Instruments: First Module Of GSR

Flow Of Life

Now it is completely natural for GSR practitioners in any difficult situation to make themselves a session and forget that an hour ago there were many feelings about it. The technique is tightly entering the lives of more and more people, allowing them to return themselves to reality from the inner chaos and better control their lives.

But a few years ago, I could not believe when Dmitry Ustinov said that he would transfer the GSR session technique to people for use on their own.

Why did it surprise me so much?

A GSR Session is a transformational tool. This means that the session makes a very strong and deep change inside the person. It’s not just like to read a book or get support from a helping professional. In one GSR session, many subconscious strategies change, which have shaped ALL life, its events, choices, the quality of relationships… The very base of a person is changing.

Throughout the history of mankind, such transformational changes could be made for a person ONLY by another person with certain abilities, skills, depth of consciousness! This has always depended on the purely personal talents of the master. Transfer them to another person … as far as I know, so far no one has succeeded. Prior to GSR. Until now, strong changes have been taking place with people almost only thanks to other people (coaches, teachers or masters) and people who were able to make a breakthrough in their lives.

I saw how Dmitry was working … It was always shocking to see his depth, it was always a delight to see the very opportunity to work IN SUCH A WAY. Now ANY person can work IN SUCH A WAY … Step by step, session by session, any person can learn to make deep changes within themselves, every time more and more powerful, more and more pure changes. And this path begins with the First module of GSR. If you think about it, you can understand that it is actually impossible. An ordinary person in an ordinary state of consciousness has never been able to provide himself with a deep transformation. And today for us it is our everyday life.

The First Module of GSR makes from every person with absolutely any initial abilities a master of his own life able to change it and create it as he pleases. It gives everyone an independence from other specialists, frees them from their patterns, from their picture of the world, from their experiences. It cultivates true maturity of consciousness and self-reliance.

The First Module gives you an opportunity to see yourself purely and honestly, as it really is … and change it.

Comprehending the First Module of GSR is not easy. The seemingly uncomplicated technique contains such depth that every time you understand that human consciousness could not create such a thing …

It is a gift to humanity that we have yet to fully appreciate.


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