The Tool Of The GSR: Egypt

The first thing I did when I found out information about the GSR was to find the website. And the first thing I saw on it was a picture of a pyramid and the caption “The Source of The Evolution of Consciousness in Egypt”. And inside me was such a response to it, it was incomprehensible, it was strange, and somewhere so deep inside resonated to the point of trembling. I didn’t even know what it was, what it was about, but I already wanted to go there. And it wasn’t just any desire, it was “I need to go there, and I’m ready to walk there right now”.

It didn’t scare me, it didn’t seem strange. I began to study the details, reviews, videos. And I began to understand more and more: I was going there.

At my first diagnostic session with Gulsenem, I asked everything about Egypt. It was early August 2018, in mid-August I bought the First Module of the GSR, in October 2018 was already my first Egypt.

If you ask me what is the most important and valuable yet unexplained thing you have done in your life, I would say: bought the First Module and went to Egypt. That is the most valuable investment of my life. This I can say unequivocally.

It’s very difficult to trace the effect of the source of Egypt directly, but you can see over time that some very powerful force, from somewhere deep within you, begins to give you a resource for change. Real powerful changes! Very fast.

I hid my trip to Egypt from everyone. No one knew about it except me and my partner. Honestly, I didn’t want anyone to tell me anything about it at all, I didn’t want to hear anyone’s opinion, it was some trembling stream of mine that I didn’t want to share with anyone. This was my Egypt!

When we arrived in Egypt it was my second trip abroad in my life. It was very scary for me personally. I was scared of just about everything except the connection. I longed for it.

What I felt in Memphis was a sense that something was opening up inside. In the pyramid there was a feeling that in this openness there was like a center inside… But most likely this is all just my fantasy.

When I arrived in Moscow, though, I began to feel an interesting moment that I had never felt before. Before the connection, I had a feeling of eternal search, I was looking for something outside and it was exactly some huge internal need, I did not find it and there was a feeling that I was scattered all over the world, stretched on it, a black hole turned inside out, which has no center of gravity, but on the contrary and how you try to collect this fragmentation somehow all the time. And after the connection I began to feel as if the whole world had turned inside out and now the center is inside and there is no need to look outside. The center began to feel exactly inside. It felt like something very deep inside was connected to some kind of infinity.

Further on I began to notice that the speed of my life and events very much began to increase. From my sessions to events in reality.

And it is very easy to see the effect of Egypt after time by the criterion of speed of life and events. If I take all life before Egypt and half a year after Egypt (and I began to summarize it exactly in half a year) I have seen that during these half a year so much has happened in saturation, as did not happen during the period before. It is about saturation and speed.

A very bright point was when I made a solo concert of my songs. Just so you understand I had the resources to do it; before that I had only dreamed and thought it would never happen, it seemed almost impossible.

I wanted to feel popular, and I was watched by 38,000 peers and vocalists in the professional community with my work on voice and how to solve vocal technical problems with students. It was impossible.

I became a Candidate Master in the International Voice Association-it was very difficult and difficult to do. It’s a very serious organization with a scientific method.

I started playing the piano in public, playing to myself and singing along to it. That had never happened before in that kind of immersive process.

I went into a year long training of MRank, which I started in Moscow and finished already in the GSR academy in Thailand and reached the end in this training, I was present in person at the trainings included in MRank.

I solved the inherited health problem, which had been very acute for 7 years.

I Received certification for the first module.

I went to 1Pro module in Bali. Basically I went to Bali for the first time. Third trip. First time I saw the ocean. And I was amazed. I had dinner at sunset along with my partner with the freshest seafood on the ocean and I just couldn’t believe myself…. how is that…Feeling like you can’t keep up with the speed…

I took my earnings to the next level in teaching, rebuilt the patterns of interaction with students.

I got into the first stream of aGSR and made it to the end and go on. I gained the profession of GSR specialist, diagnostic skill, opportunity to work in the field of Destiny of Humanity, the Flow of Life and very deep skills and settings.

There was a second Egypt and other sources: the Source of Repetition in Istanbul, the Source of True Wealth in Dubai, the Source of Harmony in Bangkok. So much work on myself in connection with this.

This is my third year living in Thailand.

All this was impossible for me at all.

What is valuable to me is that my relationships have become better, we are developing together in the GSR. We are treading the path further and deeper on the leaves… And the most amazing thing is that we have become manifest in society. We got past that barrier and somehow fit in. That was also impossible.

The second Egypt for me is about a new inner space, huge and infinite. And it’s like this space can be filled infinitely, like there’s a future, there’s somewhere to go. This is important, because inside I was at a dead end…

Egypt is hard to overestimate, just as it is hard to trace its workings in the human system. Everything I have described seems to be a consequence of its work within the system after all.

But if you ask me what is the most valuable thing you would advise and recommend to anyone on Earth, I would answer: The first module of GSR and connecting to the source of Egypt… Egypt is the impossible in life…The source of the super-resource and evolution of human consciousness…

Alexey Zamorin

Alexey Zamorin is a Specialist of GSR, an Expert PRO and a graduate of the top GSR project “The GSR Academy”.

His projects: “Weight Loss With GSR”, “Creativity And GSR”, “The Star In Her Favorite Activity With GSR”, “Life Repair With GSR”

He has dozens of client's cases, more than 1000 reviews, more than 2000 client's sessions and more than 3000 self-sessions

He is connected to the Source of the Evolution of Consciousness, the Source of Harmony, the Source of Repeat and the Source of True Wealth

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