How The Source Of The Evolution Of Consciousness Works?

I will give an example of one of the manifestations of Source, an observation from my own experience and that of my accompanying persons.

There are hard times in a person’s life. Sometimes we fall, and it takes us sometime to get up. In my life before I first tuned into the Source, such falls happened to me with some regularity. And when I fell…I needed months, sometimes even years, to get up and walk again…I had to first pick myself up in pieces, lick my wounds, and then get up and walk again. It took a lot of time, energy and resources. And most importantly, it had irreversible consequences… primarily financial. Because when you are emotionally shattered and depressed, it is simply impossible to make any effective decisions, to move on resources.

And I always had to start from scratch… Which is also resource-consuming… and also in a shortage of resources.

How did this point change after tuning into the Source of the Evolution?

It’s like in fantasy movies, when a spaceship crashes and is about to fall on the surface of some planet. And it seems that that’s it – the collision is inevitable. But then suddenly some kind of backup power source or engine comes on, and just before the crash the ship manages to level off and land softly and safely. The Source of the Evolution is the engine that keeps your ship from crashing.

Specifically in my life, it manifests as follows. Periods of ups and downs still occur. But the crash is not happening right now. Even when it seems that collapse is inevitable, as if a deeper source of resource is activated inside, which gives support in any, even the most difficult situation. This support helps me to see and make the very right decision that takes my “ship” out of the emergency situation and helps me solve the issue without crashing. This significantly saves emotional, financial, and, most importantly, time resources.

This is the same effect I observe in my companions who have already gone to Egypt and received a connection to the Source. And because everyone’s system is different, the situations in which a person has failed before are also different. But what was common to all of them and what has changed fundamentally is that after this transformation a person turns on that very support, which helps him or her to stay afloat in a difficult situation.

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