Child’s Slouch

Is a child’s slouch an age-related growth or a psychological problem?

At the heart of the process of curvature of the spine can be mistakes made by parents in their behavior toward their children, our so-called “upbringing”.

For example, when a parent believes that only he is right and his opinion is the most important, and the child’s opinion is not taken into account: “What do you understand or know?”. Such authoritarian parenting is a form of domestic violence.

Under such “authoritarian upbringing” a child begins to hide in his slouch, he wants to become smaller, lower, younger, more invisible, and maybe even wants to disappear from this world, where he is not understood, not heard, not accepted, used for purposes not needed by the child himself. He or she gets the feeling that he or she has no value and no one needs him or her. Of course, this has an effect on the child’s behavior and self-esteem, as well as on his or her posture and overall body health.

Or another example: inflated expectations. When parents want their child to be the best, the first… Most often it happens when the parent himself could not realize himself and become the best, the first… It can even be expressed in the abuse of children with the manifestation of both psychological pressure and physical abuse.

©Translated for GSR World by Ruzilya Nureeva

Tatiana Kotlova

I was born in a family of doctors, graduated from a medical school and worked for 25 years in the state clinic as a doctor of the highest qualification category.

In my life I practiced the Bronnikov system, was trained in the school of cosmoenergetics, energy healing, Reiki practices, dynamic meditations of Osho, I am a certified practitioner of Dakini meditation, Source Awakening, Kali meditation, worked with the generic system.

5 years ago a new system of self-knowledge and self-development - the GSR - appeared in my life, and I changed my profession from doctor to a GSR specialist.

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