How To Change Something That You Have Lived Your Whole Life With

GSR Module 1 is a technique allowing to work with your own mental state which can be applied to any area of life. And in any such area it helps one get what he or she actually needs. And the outcome can be unexpected. I will show it on the example of alpine skiing which I became interested in since gestational age in Azau in 1971.

In 1978 I started training in Spartak club, but my sports career got off to a rocky start. When I was 12, I got knee pains and quit the club. Then my knees recovered and I kept on skiing, trained in MSU sports club, took trips to the mountains, had a good time.

In 2000s I realized that my technique became hopelessly obsolete: the carving revolution took place. I felt the urge to learn skiing in the new way. I lost interest in the old technique, started training with different coaches, took part in competitions. In 2013 I got a great new coach and thought that with him I was finally going to make it.

But although I practiced quite a lot, I still felt like I was missing something crucial. I skied faster but worlds away from perfect. While (Moscow indoor ski slope) operated I practiced basically all the year round.

And although I was making progress, I still couldn’t surmount the urge to ski better. There was even perverse effect: the more I practiced, the more I realized how huge was the gap between me and good technique. I was frustrated by the fact that I couldn’t get fully engaged in the training process, the result was unsatisfactory, although the coach’s method worked on others. Not on everyone, of course. But, after all, it was me. On me it had to work.

I took comfort in the fact that I had great company in these training sessions and spent 6 weeks a year at Alpine resorts. But at the same time it was sad. You slide down a wonderful Alpine slope on your perfect skis, in your perfect boots, the weather is great, but you fail the curve, your technique is not good enough. You can post glamorous pictures on currently forbidden social media all you want, but you can’t fool yourself.

One might think it’s all simple. Here is me, skis, a slope, here is my eagerness, here is the coach — so practice, improve your skills. Or don’t practice. There are no other options. That’s what I thought.

But it turned out to be much more interesting. It was the urge that was keeping me from making progress and switching off my awareness and critical thinking. Any urge like this is a disfunction, but disfunctions do not appear out of the blue, there is always a resource underneath them. And this resource is what we actually live on. The technique of working with your mental state, GSR Module 1, helps you eliminate the disfunction and lets the resource flow in its pure form. After just one session during which I worked through this urge and a couple other sessions (plus general effect from working through other areas) some prominent changes took place:

  1. Effectiveness of the training sessions increased: I started to hear the coach better, to understand and feel the purpose of the exercises.
  2. I began making faster progress. Sometimes I almost manage to ski the way I want, although for now only in greenhouse conditions (not on a piste, on an easy slope).
  3. The quantity of training sessions decreased significantly (but to some extent it was the result of COVID-19 and further events).
  4. Sports results got better. In the season 2022/2023 I won four races and the overall cup in my age group in the Moscow Amateur League.
  5. I became more attentive to my own condition, I exercise while I have the energy (I used to ski bell-to-bell, one time I showed up at the piste tired and broke my shoulder).
  6. I used to feel a little uneasy when I saw someone skiing well. Now I can admire it more genuinely and discover something for myself.
  7. The most important thing is that skiing became more fun for me. I used to feel a little bit of annoyance every time because I couldn’t do it the way I wanted. But now it is just beyond words — I had never experienced such sensations before.

It’s interesting that although my external changes are not so prominent (my breakaway from the leaders reduced, but it’s still considerable), my internal changes are really massive. For me this is a breakthrough. And it’s possible to achieve the same in any area of life using GSR Module 1, it’s only a matter of your own wish.

Sergey Ezhov

Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1993 in mathematics. Doctor of Science in Economics (2007). Chief Economist at VYGON Consulting since 2015. Practicing GSR since 2018, skiing and much more.

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